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The Forthcoming EC Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices

Edited by: Hugh Collins

ISBN13: 9789041122247
ISBN: 9041122249
Published: February 2004
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £188.00

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

To encourage cross-border transactions in the Single Market of the European Community, the Commission has proposed general framework legislation to set general standards that forbid unfair marketing practices towards consumers, thereby increasing consumer confidence when deciding whether or not to shop abroad in the Community, either in person or through modern methods of electronic purchasing through the Internet. The essays in this volume critically examine the proposed Directive that prohibits unfair commercial practices, and in particular they consider the potential legal and economic implications of a legal duty to trade fairly in the context of general contract law, the protection of consumers, and the needs of competition policy. The distinguished authors of these essays, from Finland, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom, explain the different approaches of national legal systems to the legal regulation of marketing practices, and assess the compatibility of the proposed Directive with national law and its likely success in achieving the promotion of trade in the Single Market.

Consumer Law
1. EC Regulation of Unfair Commercial practices. Hugh Collins.
2. A General Framework Directive on Fair trading. Hans-W. Micklitz.
3. Rules on Competition and Fair Trading. Guido Alpa.
4. Conflict of Interests and the Fair Dealing Duty. Giorgio de Nova.
5. Co-regulation¿s Role in the Development of European Fair Trading Laws. Geraint Howells.
6. EC Competition Rules on Vertical Restrictions and the Realities of a Changing Retail Sector of National Contract Laws. Jules Stuyck and Tom van Dyck.
7. EC Consumer Protection Law and EC Competition Law: How Related are They? A Law and Economics Perspective. Fernando Gómez.
8. EC Consumer and EC Competition Law: How Related are They? Examining the Existing EC Contract Law Sources. Stefan Grundmann.
9. Contract Law Enforcement of Provisions on Marketing: The Solution of the Consumer Sales Directive. Thomas Wilhelmsson.
10. Consumer Protection, Fair Dealing in Marketing Contracts and European Contract Law ¿ A Uniform Law? Luisa Antoniolli

Series: Private Law in European Context

The Politics of the Draft Common Frame of Reference ISBN 9789041131416
Published July 2009
Kluwer Law International
Standard Contract Terms in Europe: A Basis for and a Challenge to European Contract Law ISBN 9789041127846
Published October 2008
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Constitutional Values and European Contract Law ISBN 9789041127655
Published July 2008
Kluwer Law International
Private Law and the Many Cultures of Europe ISBN 9789041125934
Published August 2007
Kluwer Law International
Reframing Self-Regulation in European Private Law ISBN 9789041125316
Published December 2006
Kluwer Law International
The Politics of a European Civil Code ISBN 9789041124104
Published March 2006
Kluwer Law International
The New European Private Law ISBN 9789041119629
Published October 2002
Kluwer Law International
An Academic Green Paper on European Contract Law
ISBN 9789041118530
Published August 2002
Kluwer Law International
The Common Core of European Private Law: Essays on the Project ISBN 9789041118523
Published July 2002
Kluwer Law International