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An Academic Green Paper on European Contract Law

ISBN13: 9789041118530
ISBN: 9041118535
Published: August 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £212.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

The contract is the core tool of governance in a free market economy. An EU Contract Law Code is now on the political agenda because all three legislative bodies in the EU and most member states favour it in principle.

In its communication of July 2001, the Commission proposed three major options: to enhance the existing EC Contract Law by eliminating inconsistencies; introducing a European Code which substitutes national laws; and introducing a European code which only supplements national laws. This book contains the views of all protagonists - from all those who really drafted the models to all those who illustrated the potential of decentralized rule-making and invented the very idea of an Optional Code.

The Optional Code, which is the alternative most likely to come, is thoroughly analysed. The book also contains a full map of design possibilities. It is the executive summary of what European academia thinks of the future of European Contract Law and a European Code.

Part I: The Green Paper Process and the Need of Academic Input.
1. An Academic Green Paper on European Contract Law -- Scope, Common Ground and Debated Issues; Grundmann, Stuyck.
2. The Commission Communication on European Contract Law and its Follow-Up; Staudenmayer. Part II. Enhancing Contract Law Harmonisation (Option III) A. The Need of More Thorough Empirical Research.
3. Design for an Empirical Data Investigation into the Impact of Existing Contract Law Harmonisation under the White Paper 1985; Schwartze. B. Some particular Ways of Enhancing Contract Law Harmonisation.
4. Finding the Remaining Traps instead of Unifying Facilitative Law; Beale.
5. European Consumer Law -- the Minimal and Maximal Harmonisation Debate and Pro Independent Consumer Law Competence; Howells.
6. Increasing Consistency in Existing Harmonisation; Tilleman, Du Laing C. Additional Measures Needed for Really Levelling the Playing Field.
7. Continuing Contract Law Harmonisation under the White Paper of 1985 -- partly with Modifications; Drexl. Part III. A European Code Replacing National Laws (Option IVa). A. Progressive Codification.
8. Progressive Codification of European Private Law ; Bianca. B. In Favour of a European Civil or Contract Law Code Replacing National Laws.
9. Paving the Way forward with Principles of European Private Law; von Bar.
10. The Case for a European Contract Act; Basedow.
11. The Contract Law Codification Process in Europe: Policies, Targets and Time Dimensions; Bussani.
12. The Politics of European Contract Law: Who has an Interest in What Kind of Contract Law for Europe? Hesselink.
13. Un Code Europeen des Contrats: pourquoi et comment; Gandolfi.
14. Why does Europe need a Code? Lando.
15. Hard Minimal Code Now! -- a Critique of 'Softness' and a Plea for Responsibility in the European Debate over Codification; Mattei.
16. A Framework Code Only -- Besides National Laws; Schwintowski. C. Against a European Code Replacing National Laws.
17. Forced Harmonisation of Contract Law in Europe -- Not to be Continued ;Van den Bergh 18. Transaction Costs and Subsidiarity in European Contract Law; Collins.
19. Some Critical Comments on Competence and Not Concentrating on First Things First; Reich. Part IV. An Optional European Code Supplementing, Not Substituting National Laws (Option IVb) A. A Map of potential Designs and Basic Elements of Evaluation.
20. European System of Contract Laws -- a Map for Combining the Advantages of Centralised and Decentralised Rule-making ; Grundmann, Kerber. B. Some particular Design Proposals.
21. A European Code for Intra-European Border-Crossing Contracts -- a Subsidiary Plea; Drobnig.
22. The Design of an Optional Restatement of European Contract Law -- Real Life Instead of Dead Concepts; Wilhelmsson.
23. A Detailed European Code with a System of Options; de Geest.
24. Toward a Multi-Layered Contract Law for Europe; Smits. C. An Optional European Code and the Problem of Knowing about the Best Design.
25. An Optional Eur

Series: Private Law in European Context

The Politics of the Draft Common Frame of Reference ISBN 9789041131416
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Standard Contract Terms in Europe: A Basis for and a Challenge to European Contract Law ISBN 9789041127846
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Constitutional Values and European Contract Law ISBN 9789041127655
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Private Law and the Many Cultures of Europe ISBN 9789041125934
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Reframing Self-Regulation in European Private Law ISBN 9789041125316
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The Politics of a European Civil Code ISBN 9789041124104
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The Forthcoming EC Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices
Edited by: Hugh Collins
ISBN 9789041122247
Published February 2004
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The New European Private Law ISBN 9789041119629
Published October 2002
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The Common Core of European Private Law: Essays on the Project ISBN 9789041118523
Published July 2002
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