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Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and the Law

Edited by: Norbert Horn

ISBN13: 9789041116802
ISBN: 904111680X
Published: November 2001
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £261.00

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Cross-border mergers and acquisitions are an imperative part of the accelerated economic globalization of our time. Cross-border transaction volume now accounts for almost one-third of global M&A activity and this number will only increase as business world-wide continues to expand.;The complex legal issues to be handled in such transactions encompass the co-ordination of different concepts of corporate governance and capital market regulations in the laws involved, as mirrored by the intense debate on M&A law making within the European Union, and for example, Germany. Lawyers engaged in the M&A practice will inevitably be confronted with cross-border transactions and will have to appropriately counsel their clients in the variable aspects of the law.;This book, based on an international conference held by the Law Centre for European and International Cooperation (RIZ) in co-operation with the Centre of Commercial Law Studies, the Asian Institute of International Financial Law, and the SMU Institute of International Banking and Finance, provides a comprehensive exploration of the legal implications of a cross-border merger or acquisition. Applying a comparative approach, the compilation of articles by professors, practitioners and bankers provides thorough information on relevant topics.;In addition to this, case studies analyzing the Daimler/Chrysler Merger and the British Petroleum/Amoco Merger have been included to illustrate the impact that different structures can have on the success of a business combination.

Competition Law
Business Combination Agreements; Securities Regulation and Stock Exchange Listing Requirements; Tax Considerations; International M&As and International Accounting Standards; Financial Techniques and Legal Considerations in International Mergers and Hostile Take-Overs; Antitrust Laws in the United States and Europe and their Extraterritorial Reach; Bank Mergers and Bank Supervisory Law. (Part contents).

Series: Studies in Transnational Economic Law

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