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Withdrawal from Multilateral Treaties

ISBN13: 9789004467613
Published: October 2021
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Price on Application

This is the first comprehensive and systematic monograph on withdrawal from multilateral treaties, which explains the evolution of the concept of withdrawal and examines its increasing use over time. International scholars and policy makers have long addressed treaty making and treaty maintenance in light of the binary choice between compliance and breach, while leaving unregulated or at least under-regulated the actual act of withdrawal. In the age of global retrenchment, is there still room for international law to regulate the rules of the game, or will unilateral decisions overturn the current architecture of a multilateral global order?

Public International Law
List of Abbreviations
Table of Documents
Table of Cases
List of Figures
Chapter 1. The Legal Framework of Withdrawal from Multilateral Treaties
Chapter 2. Conceptualizing Withdrawal
Chapter 3. The Evolution of Withdrawal
Chapter 4. Categories of Withdrawal
Chapter 5. Rationales for Withdrawal
Chapter 6. Regulating and Enhancing Orderly Withdrawal from Multilateral Treaties
Appendix Table of Withdrawals