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General Principles and the Coherence of International Law

Edited by: Mads Andenas, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Attila Tanzi, Jan Wouters

ISBN13: 9789004390928
Published: June 2019
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £166.00

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General Principles and the Coherence of International Law provides a collection of intellectually stimulating contributions from leading international lawyers to the discourse on the role of general principles in international law. Offering a comprehensive analysis of the doctrines, practices, and debates on general principles of law, the volume assesses their role in safeguarding the coherence of the international legal system.

This important book addresses the relationship between principles of law and the other sources of international law, explores the interplay between principles of law and domestic and regional legal systems and the role of principles of law with regard to three specific regimes of international law: investment law, human rights law and environmental law.