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The Changing Arctic and the European Union

Edited by: Adam Stepien, Timo Koivurova, Paula Kankaanpaa

ISBN13: 9789004303171
Published: October 2015
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £129.00

Despatched in 10 to 12 days.

The Changing Arctic and the European Union provides a balanced and up-to-date overview of the multidimensional change taking place in the Arctic regions.

Against this background, the role of the European Union regarding Arctic developments is considered, including the ongoing process of formulating an umbrella EU Arctic policy. In particular, the themes of climate change, maritime transport, fisheries, offshore oil and gas extraction, mining, land use and sociocultural change are discussed.

The book comprises primarily an updated and expanded version of the report Strategic Assessment of Development of the Arctic: An assessment conducted for the European Union, conducted for the European Commission. The report was to a great extent based on the interaction with Arctic stakeholders.

Environmental Law, EU Law
List of Acronyms; List of Figures and Pictures
Introduction: Understanding Arctic Change through Assessments and Stakeholder Engagement Adam Stępień, Paula Kankaanpää and Timo Koivurova
The Making of a Coherent Arctic Policy for the European Union: Anxieties, Contradictions and Possible Future Pathways Adam Stępień and Timo Koivurova
Climate Change in the Arctic Mikko Strahlendorff, Sébastien Duyck, Johan Gille, Anastasia Leonenko, Timo Koivurova, Marie-Theres von Schickfus, Adam Stępień and Jennie Thomas
Changes in Arctic Maritime Transport Gunnar Sander, Johan Gille, Adam Stępień, Timo Koivurova, Jennie Thomas, Jean-Claude Gascard and Debra Justus
Changing Nature of Arctic Fisheries Sigmar Arnarsson and Debra Justus
Arctic Offshore Hydrocarbons and the European Union: More Constraints and Less Opportunities Michał Łuszczuk, Debra Justus, Jennie Thomas, Chris Klok and Federica Gerber
Mining in the European Arctic Kim van Dam, Annette Scheepstra, Johan Gille, Adam Stępień and Timo Koivurova
Activities Affecting Land Use in the European Arctic Kirsi Latola, Simo Sarkki, Adam Stępień, and Mikko Jokinen
Socioeconomic and Cultural Changes in the European Arctic Adam Stępień, Karolina Banul, Annette Scheepstra, Kim van Dam, Kirsi Latola and Timo Koivurova
European Arctic Initiatives: Capacities, Gaps and Future Opportunities Lize-Marié van der Watt, Arne Riedel, Björn Dahlbäck, Elizabeth Tedsen, Kamil Jagodziński and Paula Kankaanpää
Role and Effectiveness of Assessments in Policy-making: On the Importance of the Process
Małgorzata Śmieszek, Karolina Banul, Paula Kankaanpää, Timo Koivurova, Pamela Lesser and Adam Stępień
Conclusion: The Region of Uncertainty - Arctic Change and Possible Pathways for the EU Adam Stępień, Timo Koivurova and Paula Kankaanpää