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Worlds of Human Rights: The Ambiguities of Rights Claiming in Africa

Edited by: Bill Derman, Anne Hellum, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik

ISBN13: 9789004246478
Published: April 2013
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £51.00

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This book engages with contemporary African human rights struggles including land, property, gender equality and legal identity. Through ethnographic field studies it situates claims-making by groups and individuals that have been subject to injustices and abuses, often due to different forms of displacement, in specific geographical, historical and political contexts. Exploring local communities’ complexities and divided interests it addresses the ambiguities and tensions surrounding the processes whereby human rights have been incorporated into legislation, social and economic programs, legal advocacy, land reform, and humanitarian assistance. It shows how existing relations of inequality, domination and control are affected by the opportunities offered by emerging law and governance structures as a plurality of non-state actors enter what previously was considered the sole regulatory domain of the nation state.