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The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention at 30: Successes, Challenges and New Agendas

ISBN13: 9789004245037
Published: February 2013
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £92.00

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention at 30: Successes, Challenges and New Agendas offers twenty essays by renowned Law of the Sea scholars, published to mark the 30th Anniversary of the adoption of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The book highlights some of the strengths of the legal regime established by the Convention, and reviews some of the more significant lacunae in the Convention regime. Recognizing the significant changes that have taken place in scientific knowledge and political agendas in the thirty years since 1982, it reviews the challenges that these new agendas pose to the Convention regime.

Public International Law
Introduction: The Law of the Sea Convention at 30: Successes, Challenges and New Agendas
David Freestone
The Functions and Role of the United Nations Secretariat in Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
Serguei Tarassenko and Ilaria Tani
The LOSC Framework for Maritime Jurisdiction and Enforcement 30 Years On
Tim Stephens and Donald R. Rothwell
The European Union and Law of the Sea Convention at the Age of 30
Ronán Long
Departures from the Coast: Trends in the Application of Territorial Sea Baselines under the Law of the Sea Convention
Clive Schofield
The Common Heritage of Mankind
Michael W. Lodge
The Continental Shelf Regime in the Law of the Sea Convention: A Reflection on the First Thirty Years
Ted L. McDorman
The Law of the Sea Convention and Underwater Cultural Heritage
Tullio Scovazzi
The Persistence of a Concept: Maximum Sustainable Yield
Ellen Hey
Precaution and the Protection of Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
Rosemary Rayfuse
Fisheries Jurisdiction under the Law of the Sea Convention: Rights and Obligations in Maritime Zones under the Sovereignty of Coastal States
Martin Tsamenyi and Quentin Hanich
Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zones of Foreign Coastal States
Moritaka Hayashi
Marine Scientific Research: Its Potential Contribution to Achieving Responsible High Seas Governance
Philomène Verlaan
The Persisting Problem of Non-compliance with the Law of the Sea Convention: Disorder in the Oceans
Robin Churchill
Fisheries Data and the Law of the Sea Convention
W.R. Edeson
Law of the Sea Perspectives on Climate Change
Alan Boyle
Challenges to Protecting the Marine Environment beyond National Jurisdiction
Kristina M. Gjerde
Conservation on the High Seas: Developing the Concept of the High Seas Marine Protected Areas
Karen N. Scott
The Law of the Sea Convention and the Integrated Regulation of the Oceans
Richard Barnes
The Law of the Sea Convention: No Place for Persons?
Irini Papanicolopulu
Was it Worth the Effort?
Vaughan Lowe