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WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding and Development

ISBN13: 9789004227804
Published: February 2013
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £152.00

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This book examines the effectiveness of the WTO DSU in pursuing the developmental objectives of the WTO. Unregulated globalisation enabled developed countries to benefit more from the process. International trade theories emphasise on welfare enhancement and influenced the development of international trade cooperation. However, its development during the colonial era emphasised on protection of colonial interests. The WTO was meant to emphasise on a strengthened dispute settlement mechanism to support its diverse membership. It has failed to achieve this due to weak mechanisms for promoting developing country participation. The DSU review based on the draft negotiating proposal from the DSB reflects the on-going weakness of the DSU in pursuing developed country interests whilst ignoring major problems faced by developing countries in using the DSU. Five major issues in relation to the DSU are identified in this investigation. However, the Chairman’s text in no way addresses any of these.