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WTO and the Greater China: Economic Integration and Dispute Resolution

ISBN13: 9789004208988
Published: May 2012
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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This book illustrates how the constitutional feature of the WTO – allowing separate customs territories to become a Member – brings about the coexistence of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (the Greater China) in the WTO. It examines the economic integration and the dispute settlement systems within Greater China. It explores their interactions within the multilateral WTO framework, their practices under the new genre of FTA, and their policies in adopting trade defence measures against each other. This book offers a good case study on the impact of WTO membership upon domestic reform and how it contributes to regional integration. It also provides a comprehensive analysis on the existing provisions in the WTO agreements pertaining to judicial review.