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Transitional Justice: The Legal Framework

ISBN13: 9783662651506
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Hardback
Price: £44.99

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The expression "transitional justice" emerged at the end of the Cold War, during the transition from dictatorships to democracies, and serves as a central concept in dealing with systemic injustice. This textbook examines the basic principles of transitional justice and explores its core mechanisms, including prosecutions, amnesties, truth commissions, reparations, and vetting the public service. It elaborates the substance and legal framework of these mechanisms and discusses current challenges.

The book provides extensive material illustrating a wide variety of transitional justice situations.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, International Criminal Law
1. What is Transitional Justice?
2. What Does 'Transition' Mean?
3. Legal Principles of Transitional Justice
4. Prosecution
5. Amnesty
6. Truth Commissions
7. Reparations
8. Vetting Public Servants
9. Evaluating Transitional Justice Processes
10. Prospects