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The Road to the Rule of Law in Modern China

ISBN13: 9783662456361
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £44.99

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This book is a grand review of the centurial development of rule of law in China. It covers the most important issues in this area and presents "political constitution," a new interpretative framework that allows the Chinese experience of rule of law to be more fully and correctly expressed. It is especially useful to scholars involved in the study of modern China.

The main chapters of this book include: The Constituent Movement in the Late Qing Dynasty; The Xinhai (1911) Revolution; Constitution-making at the Beginning of the Republic of China; The Great Revolution in the 1920s; The Rise of the Party State and its Transition; The Founding of 1949 New China and its Early Constitutional Development; and The Dualist System of Rule of Law in the Reforming Times.

Other Jurisdictions , China
Inception: from Hundred Days Reform to Xinhai Revolution
Failed Legacy: The Early Days of the New Republic
Rule by the Party: Party Rule, Tutelage and Transformation towards A Modern Legal System
Revolutionary Legal System: from Common Program to 1975 Constitution
Transformation to Daily Routine: Reform and Governance
Review and Outlook.