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The Law of Business Organizations: A Concise Overview of German Corporate Law

ISBN13: 9783642438370
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2012)
Price: £54.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9783642177927

Despatched in 12 to 14 days.

This book gives a concise introduction to the German law of business organizations and is meant to help business practitioners and international students to familiarize themselves with its key concepts and legal issues. After outlining some characteristic features of the German legal system the book describes the various types of German business organizations with a special focus on the German Limited Liability Company (GmbH) and the German Stock Corporation (AG). The book discusses some typical problems faced by companies engaged in cross-border activities and also provides a brief outline of some recent developments in European company law with a special focus on the new multinational corporate form of the European Company (SE).

European Jurisdictions, Germany
Stock Corporation (Aktiengesellschaft).
Limited Liability Company (GmbH).
Corporate Acquisitions in Germany.
Cross-border Corporate Activities.
Supplementary Material.