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Trade Policy Between Law, Diplomacy and Scholarship: Liber Amicorum in Memoriam Horst G. Krenzler

Edited by: Christoph Herrmann, Bruno Simma, Rudolf Streinz

ISBN13: 9783319156897
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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This book presents 22 topical contributions on international trade law and policy, with a particular focus on EU external trade law, addressing countries ranging from Ukraine to Switzerland and the US (TTIP) and aspects from trade and IPRs to anti-dumping.

The volume constitutes a state-of-the-art treatment of the many facets of trade policy in the 21st century from legal, diplomatic and academic standpoints. The book is dedicated to the memory of Horst Gunter Krenzler, former Director General for External Relations for the European Commission and Chief Negotiator for the European Union in many trade negotiations, honorary professor of European Union law at the University of Munich and an of counsel with Freshfields' Brussels office after retirement from the Commission.

Law and Economics
Part I The Life and Achievements of Horst G. Krenzler
Part II Developments in International Trade Policy
Part III Transatlantic Trade Relations
Part IV EU External Relations.- Part V Trade Defence Instruments.