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Aviation and Climate Change: In Search of a Global Market Based Measure

ISBN13: 9783319084428
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Paperback
Price: £44.99

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The book addresses the most critical issue faced by aviation and climate change: namely the development of a market based measure to control aircraft engine emissions. It discusses the current market economic trends as they impact to aviation and suggests steps and measures to be taken in the development of a workable MBM. ICAO has three years to come up with such an MBM on a global scale and this book will spur discussions on how to achieve this objective.

Environmental Law, Air and Space Law
General principles of environmental law and regulation.
Market based measures.
The challenge faced by ICAO.
Required initial strategy.
Follow up strategy.
ICAO's work in developing a global MBM.
Mitigating the environmental impact
The ICAO role.