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Legal Formulae: Exploring Legal Multi-words in English, Italian and French

ISBN13: 9783031825477
Published: March 2025
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £109.99

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This book analyses and investigates the neutral legal formulae of the English common law and the Italian and French civil law traditions, together with those used in international settings such as the European Union. It explores the usage of English formulae (and of their Italian and French counterparts) that are mentioned in terms of service, national and EU legislation, and in national and European parliamentary debates. The author takes a comparative approach to analysing the various corpora, carrying out cross-analyses to allow understanding of the usage(s) in contexts of neutral legal formulae. This reveals insights into word frequencies in the three languages and legal systems, as well as in different genres, and the book goes on to compare the relative frequencies of the neutral formulae across the three languages to investigate their variety.

This book will be of interest to academics, students and practitioners in fields including linguistics, law, and corpus-based legal translation.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Legal Language and Legal Translation
Chapter 3: The Investigation
Chapter 4: Legal Formulae in Terms Of Service
Chapter 5: Legal Formulae in the National Legislations and in EU Directives on Consumer Contracts
Chapter 6: Legal Formulae in National and European Parliamentary Debates
Chapter 7: Summarising and Comparing the Findings
Chapter 8: Conclusions