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The Case for the Legal Protection of Animals: Humanity's Shared Destiny with the Animal Kingdom

ISBN13: 9783031460647
Published: December 2023
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £109.99

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This book presents the case for legal protection for animals based on humanity's shared interests and destinies with the animal kingdom. To underscore the urgent need for legal reform, the book documents how animals are in crisis, with separate discussions on animals in entertainment, research, fashion, the food industry, and animals in our homes, as well as issues that impact wildlife and aquatic animals. In each of the foregoing areas, there is a discussion of major developments for animals across the globe, the objective being to demonstrate how the U.S. is out of step with other major countries in its legal treatment of animals. The importance of media as a driver of change is also considered. This background culminates to the heart of the book, which discusses and analyzes the link between human rights and animal rights, with nine areas explored (e.g., loss of biodiversity; environmental destruction; zoonotic diseases; world hunger; violence). Challenges to legal reforms are also explored, including issues associated with weak laws, the failure to enforce existing laws, and governmental agencies that tend to overlook the actions of industries. Finally, the book explores the development of animal law and the trajectory of current laws, with analysis of developing 'rights of nature' laws and 'legal personhood' status for animals.

Animal Law
1. Introduction.
2. Animals in Crisis.
Animals in Entertainment.
Recent Developments for Animals in Entertainment.
Animals in Research.
Recent Developments for Animals in Research.
Animals Raised for Food.
Recent Developments for Animals Raised for Food.
Animals in Fashion.
Recent Developments for Animals in Fashion.
Recent Developments for Wildlife.
Animals in Religion and Culture.
Recent Developments for Animals in Religion and Culture.
Aquatic Animals.
Animals in Human Conflicts.
Recent Developments for Animals in Human Conflicts.
Companion Animals.
Recent Developments for Companion Animals.
3. Media as a Driver of Change.
Cecil the Lion.
Frozen Fish.
Hercules (A Dog's Purpose).
Guggenheim Museum Exhibit.
Whale Jail.
Animal Abuse.
4. The Link Between Human Rights and Animal Rights.
Climate Change.
Environmental Destruction.
Loss of Biodiversity.
Zoonotic Diseases.
World Hunger and Water Scarcity.
National Security.
Violence Begets Violence.
Recognizing Our Deep Connection with Animals.
5. Challenges to Legal Reform.
Weak Laws.
Lack of Enforcement.
Failures of a Rogue Agency.
Citizen Suits.
The Right to Rescue.
Ag-Gag Laws.
The Corrupting Influence of Politics.
6. Animal Law as an Emerging Field.
7. The Road to Personhood.
Rights of Nature.
Animal Sentience.
Legal Personhood.
8. Concluding Remarks.