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Legal Priorities in Air Transport

ISBN13: 9783030183905
Published: July 2019
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £109.99

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Against the backdrop of enormous technological strides, this book argues that the air transport industry must be constantly vigilant in its efforts to employ a legal regime that is applicable to the aeronautical and human aspects of the carriage by air of persons and goods. In this regard, safety and security are of the utmost importance, both in terms of safe air navigation and the preservation of human life. Although the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) addresses legal issues through its Legal Committee, many emerging issues that urgently require attention lie outside the Committee's purview.

This book analyzes in detail the items being considered by ICAO's Legal Committee, considers the legal nature of ICAO, and discusses whether or not ICAO's scope should be extended. Since the limited issues currently addressed by ICAO do not reflect the rapidly changing realities of air transport, the book also covers a broad range of key issues outside the parameters set by ICAO, such as: the need to teach air law to a new generation of aviation professionals; combating cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism; the regulation of artificial intelligence; traveller identification; interference with air navigation; human trafficking; unruly passengers; climate change; air carrier liability for passenger death or injury; Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (drones); and the cabin crew and their legal implications.

Air and Space Law
Importance of Teaching Air Law
The Legal Status of ICAO
Legal Priorities of ICAO
A Closer Look at Conflicts of Interest
Human Trafficking
Carrier Liability for Death or Injury: A Comparison
The Unruly Passenger
Cabin Crew
Interference with Air Navigation
The Climate Change Equation
Regulating Cyber Security
Regulating Artificial Intelligence
Traveller Identity
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems