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Burrows, Finn and Todd on the Law of Contract in New Zealand 7th ed

ISBN13: 9781988546704
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780947514204
Published: April 2022
Publisher: LexisNexis New Zealand
Country of Publication: New Zealand
Format: Paperback
Price: £126.00

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<p><i>The Law of Contract in New Zealand</i>, originally written by John Burrows, Jeremy Finn, and Stephen Todd, was first published in 1997. John Burrows and Jeremy Finn have both retired from their authorship, and while the book is now titled <i>Burrows, Finn and Todd on the Law of Contract in New Zealand</i>, this 7th edition has been written by Stephen Todd and Matthew Barber.</p> <p>As it has for 25 years, the title provides definitive coverage of the law of contract in New Zealand. The comprehensiveness, depth of analysis, coverage, and clarity of the discussion ensures that this is the first point of reference for the legal practitioner, law student, and all those interested in this important field of law.</p> <p>The new edition discusses many significant developments in case law and legislation over the last four years. The various topics that contain new and substantial material include contract formation, contractual interpretation, terms implied in fact, cancellation, misrepresentation, duress, undue influence, and unconscionable bargains. New discussion in the particular field of damages includes the award of negotiating damages, the test for remoteness, damage within the scope of a contracting party’s duty, and the ambit of the doctrine of penalties.</p>

Contract Law, Other Jurisdictions , New Zealand
1. Historical introduction
2. Influences
3. Agreement
4. Consideration
5. Intention to create legal relations
6. Contents of the contract
7. Exclusion clauses
8. Conditional contracts
9. Form
10. Mistake
11. Misrepresentation
12. Exploitation
13. Illegality
14. Capacity
15. Privity
16. Privity and agency
17. Assignment
18. Cancellation and performance
19. Discharge by agreement
20. Frustration
21. Remedies