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European Union Law 3rd ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781916243118
Published: July 2020
Publisher: Hall and Stott Publishing Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £34.99
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European Union Law is written for students on LLB and GDL courses and aims to reflect developments in legal education. The book fully explores the core areas of European Union law, whilst setting them in a contextual and practical framework. Its writing style is accessible to all.

To show how the law applies in reality, key cases are summarised and explained in discrete boxes, and the structure of European Union law is abundantly illustrated with diagrams, tables and other visual aids. At the end of each chapter, summaries enable students to remember the main relevant points, and, to encourage them to engage further with the law, there are suggested reading lists.

New for this edition:

  • the latest development on Brexit and the Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and the EU
  • a new structure presenting the primacy of EU law and its relationship with direct effect (including Poplawski) and the reaction of Supreme constitutional courts (including the Ajos case of the Danish Supreme Court and the ECB case of the German Federal Constitutional Court of 5 May 2020)
  • the latest Regulation on the principle of mutual recognition of goods lawfully marketed in another Member State
  • the new 2019 Regulation on the European Citizens’ Initiative and the latest cases on ECI
  • the latest developments in the case law of the CJCE on European citizenship (including Coman, Tjebbes, Chenchooliah, Banger, Lounes, Diallo, Vomero and TopFit)
  • the latest developments in competition law (including the Intel, Icap cases)

EU Law, eBooks