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Drafting Confidentiality Agreements 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781907698972
Previous Edition ISBN: 185328937X
Published: September 2014
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback & CD-ROM
Price: £80.00

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In recent years there has been an increase in the range of situations where confidentiality agreements may apply.

Drafting Confidentiality Agreements gives practical, time-saving assistance when drafting or negotiating a confidentiality agreement.

Updated and expanded to include:-

  • Several new precedents covering situations where confidentiality agreements might apply such as when trade secrets or customer lists are being disclosed
  • Additional drafting notes throughout
  • New commentary on business situations where confidentiality obligations are implied and the extent of the implied obligations.
The book is set out in three parts:-

  • A practical explanation of how English law protects confidential information in a business context
  • Discussion of commercial practice in relation to confidentiality agreements, including commentary on the terms of such agreements
  • A selection of confidentiality agreement precedents, reproduced on the accompanying CD-ROM.

Commercial Law, Privacy and Confidentiality
1. The law relating to confidentiality
2. Essential features of the law
3. Remedies forbreach of confidence
4. The employer - employee relationship
5. Commercial strategy
6. Draftingnegotiations
7. Special situations and relationships
8. Managing the flow of information
9. Conclusions
10. Precedents.