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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Drafting Confidentiality Agreements 3rd ed isbn 9781907698972

Drafting Confidentiality Agreements 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781853289378
ISBN: 185328937X
New Edition ISBN: 9781907698972
Previous Edition ISBN: 1853288713
Published: October 2004
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback & CD-ROM
Price: Out of print

This book gives practical assistance to lawyers and commercial managers who need to draft or negotiate a confidentiality agreement. It includes a summary of the law of confidence as it affects commercial relationships. The 2nd edition of this popular text has been revised and expanded to include: commentary and precedents on confidentiality obligations in government contracts; commentary and precedents on obligations arising under the Official Secrets Acts; new precedents for managing the flow of confidential information; fully updated case material. The book is divided into 3 parts: a practical explanation of how English law protects confidential information in a business context; a discussion of commercial practice in relation to confidentiality agreements, including commentary on the terms of such agreements; a selection of precedents for confidentiality agreements. The practical nature of the book is enhanced by arguments for and against particular provisions, points to watch out for in confidentiality agreements and model wording for a range of different situations. Drafting Confidentiality Agreements is accompanied by a free CD-ROM containing easily customised precedents for a variety of situations.

Commercial Law, Employment Law
Part I: Law
1. The law relating to confidentiality
2. Essential features of the law
3. Remedies for breach of confidence
4. The employer - employee relationship

Part II: Practice
5. Commercial strategy
6. Drafting and negotiation
7. Special situations and relationships
8. Managing the flow of information
9. Conclusions
