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Public-Private Partnerships: A Practical Analysis 2nd Ed

Edited by: Nicholas Avery

ISBN13: 9781905783380
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781905783007
Published: May 2010
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £142.00

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Public-private partnership (PPP) projects have been used throughout the world for many years to facilitate major public projects.

Post credit crunch, many governments remain committed to this form of finance as part of their strategy to stimulate their economies and maintain public services.

This new updated second edition once again examines from a commercial perspective the major sectors where PPP structures have been successfully employed. The second edition features new chapters on social housing, waste management and the use of PPP across continental Europe. Leading practitioners analyse structures and topical developments, and address overarching issues such as the role of financing institutions and EU procurement rules.

If you need to understand the latest techniques relevant to a particular sector in PPP, or to understand how responses developed in jurisdictions where PPP is firmly established might be applied to new markets, this book will be an invaluable tool in your research.

This forthcoming new edition is essential reading for in-house and private practice lawyers, facility managers, technical advisers and those working in government departments and agencies.

Banking and Finance, Public Procurement
Introduction, Nicholas Avery
Roads, Joss Dare, Ashurst LLP
Railways, Tom Winsor, White & Case LLP
Health, Paul Smith, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP
Prisons, Cameron Smith, Ashurst LLP
Education, Frank Suttie and Giles Taylor, Beachcroft LLP
Defence, Dan Hood and David Nelligan, Simmons & Simmons
Waste, Liam Cowell, DLA Piper UK LLP
Social Housing, Jane Staveley, Ashurst LLP
EU Procurement, Matthew Hall, Ashurst
Financing public-private partnerships: the changing market, Chris Brown, Norton Rose LLP
PPP implementation in Europe, Colin Wilson, DLA Piper UK LLP
About the authors