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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Public-Private Partnerships: A Practical Analysis 2nd Ed isbn 9781905783380

Public-Private Partnerships: A Practical Analysis

Edited by: Nicholas Avery

ISBN13: 9781905783007
ISBN: 1905783000
New Edition ISBN: 9781905783380
Published: November 2006
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: Uk
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Public-private partnership (PPP) projects are being used throughout the world as a solution to major public projects.

This commercially focused title looks at each of the major sectors where Private Finance Initiative and PPP structures have been successfully applied over recent years. With contributions from leading practitioners in the field and featuring analysis of topical developments in key sectors, the book also features coverage of overarching issues such as the role of financing institutions, EU procurement and developments in the debt and equity financial markets relevant to PPP.

If you need to know the latest techniques relevant to a particular sector in PPP, or if you want to understand how you might take answers developed in the United Kingdom and apply them to other jurisdictions, this new book will be an invaluable tool in your research. This book is essential reading for in-house and private practice lawyers, facility managers, technical advisers and those working in government departments and agencies.