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ICSA Study Text: Corporate Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781860727047
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781860725777
Published: June 2017
Publisher: ICSA Publishing Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: A4 Paperback
Price: £44.95

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This official ICSA study text has been specially designed to support the ICSA CSQS module in Corporate Law. The text gives an understanding of the scope of company law, how it is linked to other specialist legal subjects, the sources of company law and the key legal principles.

The book explores the legal structures of different types of business organisations and covers the areas which feature most commonly on undergraduate law programmes, including the corporate personality doctrine, shareholders, shares and capital, directors’ duties, minority shareholder protection and transparency.

Presented in a practical and accessible style, this study text incorporates a number of features to support learning:-

  • Case study scenarios and questions
  • Test your knowledge review questions
  • Stop and think boxes
  • Case law summaries
  • Case examples
  • Glossary of key terms
  • Directory of further reading and online resources
The text provides an excellent guide for students, but is also a handy reference for anyone who works with corporate law, or would like to learn more about the subject.

Company Law
Part One: The nature and structure of a company
1. Introduction to corporate law
2. Legal structures of business organisations
3. Promoters and company formation
4. The company as a distinct legal person
5. The constitution of the company
6. Legally binding the company

Part Two: Capital and membership
7. Companies, capital markets and market abuse
8. Membership, shares and share capital
9. Capital maintenance
10. Loan capital

Part Three: Company management and shareholder remedies
11. Directors, shareholders and the division of powers
12. Directors' duties
13. Members' remedies

Part Four: Meetings and resolutions
14. Members' meetings and decision making
15. Directors' meetings and decision making

Part Five: Company restructuring and winding up
16. Company restructuring
17. Takeovers
18. Corporate rescue
19. Winding up and company dissolution