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Legal Aspects of Trade Finance

ISBN13: 9781857433890
ISBN: 1857433890
Published: November 2006
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £175.00

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Trade finance is of great importance in the commercial world, for both students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and practitioners. The choice of countries in export trade is often perception-based: trade with government departments or public institutions is seen as much safer than with private entities and the choice of countries is often based on that perception of risk.

This book:-

  • addresses issues and topics which are relevant to all jurisdictions in the world
  • explains the various types of trade finance, how they may be raised and the legal issues pertaining to them
Value for those wanting to understand the legal issues of sources of trade finance in both the developed and developing countries, this book will interest students studying the interaction between law and commerce.

International Trade
List of Cases.

Chapter 1: Methods of Payment
Chapter 2: Types of Bills
Chapter 3: Types of Credit
Chapter 4: Letters of Credit
Chapter 5: Liabilities of Parties Involved in the Documentary of Credit Mechanism
Chapter 6: Legal Aspects of Short-term Finance for Exports
Chapter 7: Bills of Exchange
Chapter 8: ICC Uniform Rules for Collection, 1995 Revision
Chapter 9: Bonds and Guarantees

Tables of Statutes.
Table of International Consensus.
Other Primary Sources.
Other Sources.