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International Law and Diplomacy

ISBN13: 9781857433845
Published: January 2007
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £180.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781857435863

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In this work the author explores the subjects of sovereignty, diplomacy and the function of diplomats, diplomatic missions, protocol, ethics in diplomacy, the role of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, intergovernmental conferences and the United Nations. It:-

  • includes a useful glossary of over sixty essential terms (such as Calvo Doctrine, Extradition, Rapporteur and "Uti Possidetis Juris");
  • and clearly relates the conduct of diplomacy to the principles of international law. This volume will appeal to graduate and undergraduate students studying diplomacy, public administration and international relations courses as well as practising diplomats, international organization and foreign ministry officials and those who have regular dealings with them.

  • Subjects:
    Public International Law
    Certain essential terms
    A brief account of the historical growth and development of diplomatic relations
    Ethics in diplomacy
    Diplomacy and diplomats
    Bargaining power
    The new faces of international diplomacy ;
    Diplomatic protocol and procedures
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    The diplomatic mission
    The Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, 1961
    A brief analysis of the Vienna Convention on consular relations, 1963
    The United Nations and international diplomacy
    Appendix I Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations and optional protocols
    Appendix II Vienna Convention on consular relations and optional protocols