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Law Reporting in Britain

Edited by: Chantal Stebbings

ISBN13: 9781852851293
ISBN: 1852851295
Published: October 1995
Publisher: Hambledon Continuum
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £85.00

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Unlike the preceding volumes in this series, Law Reporting in Britain has a single, clear theme: the history and development of law reporting in Britain, from the earliest English reports of the second half of the 13th century to the beginnings of the reporting of planning decisions in the 20th century.

Law reports are one of the main sources from which legal history is written. They record what lawyers and judges said in court in legal argument arising out of the facts of particular caes and how the judges decided the outcome of those cases.

They thus provide vital evidence for what the lawyers and judges of the past believed to be the law of their day. They also demonstrate the ability of those lawyers and judges to shape and develop law through argument and decision-making in individual cases.

Legal History
List of Contributors
The British Legal History Conference
The Beginnings of English Law Reporting
Paul Brand
Crime in the Year Books
David Seipp
Some Early Newgate reports (1315-28)
John H. Baker
The Acts of the Scottish Lords of Council in the Late 15th and Early 16th Centuries: Records and Reports
W.M. Gordon
Law Reporting in the 1590s
David Ibbetson
Sir Julius Caesar's Notes on Admiralty Cases: An Alternative to Law Reporting?
Alain Wijffels
Law Reports in England from 1603 to 1660
W.H. Bryson
The Nature and Function of the Early Chancery Reports,
Mike MacNair
Detecting Non-Fiction: Sleuthing Among manuscript Case Reports for what was Really Said
Michael Macnair
Words, Words, Words: Making Sense of Legal Judgements, 1875-1940
Steve Hedley
Planning law and precedent: A study in 20th-Century Law Reporting
Raymond Cocks.