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Children and Same Sex Families: A Legal Handbook

ISBN13: 9781846613197
Published: March 2012
Publisher: Family Law LexisNexis
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £148.00

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This portable single volume handbook brings together the up-to-date statutory and jurisprudential position in family law appertaining to same sex couples, with an emphasis on children (where the law is at its most complex).

For example, the same family unit can be in a very different legal position depending on when and how the children are conceived, and the status of the relationship between the parents, or between the parent and the child.

Children and Same Sex Families: A Legal Handbook is an invaluable guide to this rapidly evolving area of law written for all family lawyers and related professionals (eg charities; local authorities; healthcare trusts; adoption agencies; benefits agencies) who provide advice and support to same sex families.

Family Law
Surrogacy and parental orders
Residence and contact following the breakdown of relationships
Care proceedings for families involving same sex relationships
Personal safety and safety of children of same sex relationships
Human rights
Financial Provision and Children
Breakdown of civil partnership and its effect on children
Cohabiting couples: breakdown of a same sex relationship
Welfare / benefits / pension provision / housing and tenancies
Appendix material: Relevant statutes; Forms; Glossary.