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Community Care Practice and the Law 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781843106913
Previous Edition ISBN: 1843102331
Published: October 2008
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £45.00

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This fourth edition of "Community Care Practice and the Law" has been fully updated to reflect the rapid and continuing legal, policy and practice changes affecting community care. It provides comprehensive and jargon-free explanations of community care legislation, as well as other areas of law directly relevant to practitioners, including the NHS, disabled facilities grants and housing adaptations, asylum and immigration, mental capacity, human rights, disability discrimination, health and safety at work and negligence - and a range of legal provisions relevant to the protection and safeguarding of adults. Apart from the burgeoning legal case law and ombudsman investigations, changes from the last edition include coverage of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, legal implications of 'self directed care' and 'individual budgets', changes to direct payments and 'ordinary residence' determinations. In particular, new guidance applies to the high profile issue of NHS continuing health care. The book is an essential guide for practitioners and managers in both the statutory and voluntary sectors, policy makers in local authorities and the NHS, advocates, lawyers and social work students.

Care Standards, Local Government Law
Part I. Introduction, overview, underlying themes, remedies.
2. Overview of community care.
3. Underlying themes.
4. Non-judicial remedies.
5. Judicial remedies.

Part II. Social services assessment and provision of services.
6. Social services assessment: referral and eligibility.
7. Reassessing, withdrawing services and waiting.
8. Care plans and provision of services.
9. Residential accommodation.
10. Charging for residential accommodation.
11. Non-residential services.
12. Charging for non-residential services.
13. Direct payments, carers, families with children in need, etc.
14. Asylum seekers and other people subject to immigration control.
15. Residence and eligibility for services.

Part III. Housing, home adaptations and the NHS.
16. Housing and home adaptations.
17. National Health Service provision.
18. NHS continuing health care.
19. Joint working between local authorities and the NHS.

Part IV. Decision-making capacity, safeguarding adults.
20. Mental capacity.
21. Protecting and safeguarding vulnerable adults.
