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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Community Care Practice and the Law 4th ed isbn 9781843106913

Community Care Practice and the Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781843102335
ISBN: 1843102331
New Edition ISBN: 9781843106913
Previous Edition ISBN: 1853026476
Published: January 2005
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This edition of Community Care Practice and the Law has been substantially rewritten and restructured to reflect the rapid legal and policy changes affecting the community care field. It provides comprehensive and jargon-free explanations of both community care legislation and other areas of the law relevant to practitioners.

Topics covered include: assessment and eligibility criteria ('fair access to care'; placing people in care homes; non-residential, domiciliary and home care services; carers' assessments and services; community equipment services, home adaptations and disabled facilities grants; direct payments; continuing health care, health services generally, and joint working with the NHS; single assessment process and intermediate care; decision making capacity and incapacity; information sharing; adult protection: legal framework; human rights and disability discrimination; health and safety at work legislation including manual handling; people subject to immigration control, including asylum seekers.

Examples of legal cases and ombudsman investigations clearly illustrate the practical impact of legislation on community care.;A separate chapter summarizes the book and also provides an at-a-glance view to illustrate how a wide range of legislation comes together to underpin the everyday work of practitioners. The author also identifies the underlying mechanisms, tensions and problems affecting community care law and practice.

Social Security and Welfare Law
Part I.; 1 Introduction;2. Summary. ;3. Community care: underlying themes. ;4. Understanding the legal principles. ;5. Achieving a remedy.
Part II. ;6. Assessment. ;7 Care plans and service delivery. ;8. Providing residential accommodation. ;9. Charging for residential services. ;10. Providing services in people's homes and the wider community. ;11. Charging for non-residential services. ;12. Direct payments, charges and families. ;13. People subject to immigration control. ;14. People's place of residence. ;Part III. ;14. Housing and home adaptations. ;15. NHS services. Part IV. ;16. Adult protection. ;17 Decision-making capacity. ;18. Information sharing. ;19. Human rights. ;20. Disability discrimination. Part V.; 21. Health and safety at work legislation. ;22. Negligence. ;23. Regulation and care standards.