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International Trade Regulation in China: Law and Policy

ISBN13: 9781841133935
ISBN: 1841133930
Published: March 2006
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £180.00

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This book presents a comprehensive survey of Chinese legal and regulatory systems governing international trade, following China's accession to the World Trade Organisation ("WTO") in November 2001, and the coming into force of the revised PRC Foreign Trade Law in July 2004.

It provides a systematic and in-depth analysis on the text of applicable Chinese laws and rules, with a particular focus on their practical application. It also critically explores whether international trade regulation in China complies with the WTO Agreement both in the text and in spirit and identifies areas where improvements by Chinese trade regulators would be desirable.

This book starts with an analysis of basic issues of international trade regulation in China. Part II, covers foreign trading rights, trade restrictions and prohibitions, licensing and quotas, customs regulation, health, safety and technical standards, and trade in technology. The focus is on possible abuses of trade regulations designed to be neutral but which have the effect of discriminating against goods of foreign origin. Part III then discusses trade protection and remedies available under PRC law, in the form of anti-dumping law, anti-subsidy law, safeguarding measures and trade retaliation. Part IV explores new regulatory issues, including trade promotion, trade and competition, trade and IP rights protection, and resolution of trade disputes.

This book combines academic research with detailed information and practical advice on the laws and policies of international trade regulation in China. It should attract not only legal researchers, but also practitioners who have an interest in international trade with China and the relevant legal and regulatory issues.

International Trade, Other Jurisdictions , China
Part I Introduction
1. Background and Framework

Part II Basic Regulation
2. Foreign Trading Rights
3. Trade Restrictions and Prohibitions: General Rules
4. Licencing and Quota
5. Customs
6. Health and Safety Regulation
7. Trade in Technology

Part III Trade Protection and Remedies
8. Trade Retaliation and Investigation
9. Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidies
10. Safeguard Measures
11. Trade Promotion
12. Trade and Competition
13. Trade and Intellectual Property Rights
14. Trade Disputes

Series: China and International Economic Law Series

Chinese Regulatory Licensing System ISBN 9781841133928
To be published August 2027
Hart Publishing
China’s Implementation of the Rulings of the World Trade Organization ISBN 9781509952038
Published May 2021
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China’s Implementation of the Rulings of the World Trade Organisation ISBN 9781509913558
Published October 2019
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Out of print
Arbitration in China: A Legal and Cultural Analysis ISBN 9781849463775
Published February 2013
Hart Publishing
Arbitration in China: A Legal and Cultural Analysis (eBook) ISBN 9781782250739
Published February 2013
Hart Publishing
Out of print
EU, the WTO and China: Legal Pluralism and International Trade Regulation ISBN 9781841137049
Published September 2010
Hart Publishing
The European Union and China, 1949-2008: Basic Documents and Commentary
Edited by: Francis Snyder
ISBN 9781841137247
Published March 2009
Hart Publishing
The Legal Framework of EU-China Investment Relations: A Critical Appraisal ISBN 9781841133911
Published October 2005
Hart Publishing