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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies: Vol 3, 2001 New ed

ISBN13: 9781841132402
ISBN: 1841132403
Published: March 2002
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Format: Hardback
Price: £190.00

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The ""Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies"" provides a new forum for the scrutiny of significant issues in European Union Law, the Law of the Council of Europe, and Comparative Law with a ""European"" dimension, and particularly those which have come to the fore during the year preceding publication. The contributions appearing in the collection are commissioned by the Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) Cambridge, which is the research Centre of Cambridge University Law Faculty specializing in European legal issues. The papers presented are all at the cutting edge of the fields which they address, and reflect the views of recognized experts drawn from the university world, legal practice, and the civil services of both the EU and its Member States. Inclusion of the comparative dimension brings a fresh perspective to the study of European law, and highlights the effects of globalization of the law more generally, and the resulting cross fertilization of norms and ideas that has occurred among previously sovereign and separate legal orders.

The ""Mackenzie Stuart Lecture 2000"" - the future judicial architecture of the European Union, Lord Slynn of Hadley; the ""Mackenzie Stuart Lecture 2001"" - the Treaty of Nice - an imperfect treaty but a decisive step towards enlargement, Jean-Claude Piris; modernizing the community courts, Anthony Arnull; the criminal liability of politicians in France, John Bell; decision-making at the Summit, Alan Dashwood; outsting jurisdiction and the European conventions, Richard Fentiman; the evolving role of the court of first instance of the European Communities - some comments on the changes agreed at Nice as they affect the judicial architecture of the community court, Judge Nicholas Forwood; the future of the EC merger regulation, Dan Goyder; between persecution and protection - refugees and the new European asylum policy, Elspeth Guild; when Europeans complain - the work of the European ombudsman, Ian Harden; will the sparks fly? the role of the European Union in the liberalization of the electricity industry, Angus Johnston; EC legislation prohibiting age discrimination - ""towards a Europe for all ages""?, Clare McGlynn; enlarging the area of freedom, security and justice - problems of diversity and EU instruments and strategies, Jorg Monar; the EC and WTO trade and environment case law - procedural aspects, legal principles and institutional matters, Nicola Notaro; the implementation of community environmental legislation - between comitology procedures and standardization bodies, Sara Poli; plus ca change? Article 5(1) of the regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgements, Pippa Rogerson; a German view on the EU charter of fundamental rights - effect on the Bundesverfassungsgsgericht, Jurgen Schwarze; improving the position of lesbians and gay men at work in the light of the framework directive for equal treatment in employment - a German case study, Paul Skidmore; on discrimination and the theory of mandatory requirements, Eleanor Spaventa; flexibility - the experience so far, John A. Usher; ""collective amnesia"" of Europe v. engagement with Asia - forging a middle path for Australia in the age of regionalism, Angela Ward; the vertical agreements regulation - a critical appraisal, Paul M. Taylor.

Series: Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies

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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, Vol 13, 2010-2011 (eBook) ISBN 9781847318695
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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, Vol 12, 2009-2010 ISBN 9781849460743
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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies: Vol 8, 2005-2006
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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies: Vol 7, 2004-2005
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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies: Volume 6 ISBN 9781841134932
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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies: V. 5 New ed
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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies: Vol 4, 2001
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Published November 2002
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Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies: Vol 1. 1998 ISBN 9781841130880
Published July 1999
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