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Developing Key Privacy Rights

Edited by: Madaleine Colvin

ISBN13: 9781841131689
ISBN: 1841131687
Published: July 2002
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £36.99

Despatched in 13 to 15 days.

With the incorporation into domestic law of the European Convention on Human Rights,the UK courts will increasingly be called upon to strike the balance between the potentially conflicting rights of the right to privacy under Article 8 and the right to freedom of expression under Article 10. This book looks at the legal and constitutional development of both these rights and the relationship between them in several other countries: France, Germany, Canada, New Zealand and Australia and before the European Court of Human Rights. With a particular focus on cases concerning the media, it is an important source for all those interested in the development of these areas of law under the Human Rights Act.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Media and Entertainment Law
Introduction, Madeleine Colvin: development of a privacy right; freedom of expression; balancing the rights. Striking the balance - privacy v freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights, Jemima Stratford: introduction; Article 8; Article 10; the tension between Articles 8 and 10; the Strasbourg case law; conclusion. The protection of private life versus freedom of expression in French law, Catherine Dupre: introduction; the status of private life; private life - numerous aspects constructed by case law; judicial remedies; balance between private life and freedom of expression; conclusion. Protection of privacy and freedom of speech in Germany, Rosalind English: introduction; development of a privacy right; privacy versus freedom of expression; conclusion. The impact of the Charter Rights on privacy and freedom of expression in Canada, Marguerite Russell: introduction; recognition of privacy interests; freedom of expression in Canada; privacy versus expressive interests - creating a balance; conclusions. Privacy and freedom of expression in New Zealand, Rosemary Tobin: introduction; the Privacy Act and the media exception; the Broadcasting Act 1989; section 14 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act; R. V. Mahanga; conclusion. Freedom of expression, privacy and the media in Australia, David Lindsay: introduction; freedom of expression in Australia; freedom of expression, privacy and the media; conclusion.

Series: Justice Series: Putting Rights into Practice

Delivering Rights: How the Human Rights Act is Working and for Whom ISBN 9781841132877
Published November 2003
Hart Publishing
Race Discrimination: Developing and Using a New Legal Framework
Edited by: Gay Moon
ISBN 9781841131672
Published October 2000
Hart Publishing