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Energy Law, Climate Change and the Environment

Edited by: Martha M. Roggenkamp, Kars J. de Graaf, Ruven C. Fleming

ISBN13: 9781788119672
Published: May 2021
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £304.00

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This comprehensive volume of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law provides an overview of the major elements of energy law from a global perspective. Based on an in-depth analysis of the energy chain, it offers insight into the impacts of climate change and environmental issues on energy law and the energy sector. This timely reference work highlights the need for modern energy law to consider environmental impacts and promote the use of clean energy sources, whilst also safeguarding a reliable and affordable energy supply.

Featuring 65 entries written by leading international scholars and practitioners in the field, the volume is organised into eight thematic parts, each focusing on a specific area of the energy sector. Topics covered include international energy cooperation, the regulation and governance of energy markets, legal regimes governing renewable energy sources, regulation of the transport and supply of energy, consumer protection, and energy savings mechanisms.

Providing an authoritative analysis of key developments in this significant area of law, this volume will be an invaluable resource for researchers, academics and students. Its insights into governance and regulation in the sector will also prove useful to practitioners and policymakers.

Environmental Law, Energy and Natural Resources Law
Foreword to the Encyclopedia xviii
Jamie Benidickson and Yves Le Bouthillier
Foreword to Volume IX xix
Michael Faure
List of abbreviations xxi
Introduction to Volume IX 1
Martha M Roggenkamp, Kars J de Graaf and Ruven C Fleming

IX.1 Sovereignty and jurisdiction over energy resources 9
Catherine Redgwell
IX.2 Regulating the energy chain 20
Martha M Roggenkamp
IX.3 The energy trilemma 31
Ruven C Fleming
IX.4 Sustainable development, principles of environmental law and the energy sector 41
Kars J de Graaf and Lorenzo Squintani

International energy cooperation and trade
IX.5 The International Atomic Energy Agency 57
Jennifer Campion
IX.6 International cooperation in oil and gas: current and evolving roles of OPEC and GECF 68
Damilola S Olawuyi
IX.7 The International Energy Agency 79
John Paterson and Ruven C Fleming
IX.8 The Energy Charter Treaty 88
Cees Verburg
IX.9 The International Renewable Energy Agency 99
Thijs Van de Graaf
Regional energy cooperation and trade
IX.10 The development of energy cooperation and trade in the European Union 111
Îñigo del Guayo
IX.11 Energy cooperation in North America: from CUSFTA to USMCA 122
Jos. Juan González Márquez, Alastair Lucas and Diego Almeida
IX.12 Energy cooperation in South America: the case of MERCOSUR 134
Lila Barrera-Hernández and Thomas Andrew O’Keefe
IX.13 Energy cooperation in Asia: the case of ASEAN 145
Sufian Jusoh
IX.14 Energy cooperation in Africa: the African Union vs Regional Economic Communities 156
Taciana Peão Lopes and Cheri-Leigh Young

IX.15 Governance of the energy market in the European Union 169
Silke Goldberg and Anne Eckenroth
IX.16 Governance of the energy markets in Canada 180
Alastair Lucas and Diego Almeida
IX.17 Governance of the energy market in the United States 193
Richard Ottinger, Aaron Rudyan and Bahar Hashemolhosseini
IX.18 Governance of the energy market in Australia 204
Lee Godden and Anne Kallies
IX.19 Governance of the energy market in Russia 216
Sergey Seliverstov and Ivan Gudkov
IX.20 Governance of the energy market in China 227
Wang Mingyuan and Gao Lailong
IX.21 Frameworks for energy governance and regulation in Africa 238
Hanri Mostert, Hugo Meyer van den Berg and Bernard Kengni

Exploration and production of oil and gas
IX.22 Overview of legal regimes governing exploration and production of petroleum 257
Hugo Meyer van den Berg
IX.23 Protecting health, safety and the environment offshore 267
John Paterson
IX.24 Decommissioning of (abandoned or disused) offshore installations 277
Constantinos Yiallourides and Greg W Gordon
New developments
IX.25 Reuse of offshore oil and gas infrastructure: a case study on CCS 291
Dinand Drankier and Joris Gazendam
IX.26 Regulating oil and gas exploration and production in the Arctic 302
Tina Soliman Hunter
IX.27 Regulating the production of shale gas and fracking 313
Leonie Reins and Allan Ingelson
IX.28 Alternatives to natural gas: the legal framework on synthetic natural gas and biomethane 326
Daisy G Tempelman

IX.29 Electricity production and emission standards 341
Kars J de Graaf and Lolke S Braaksma
IX.30 Electricity production and greenhouse gas emissions trading 352
Edwin Woerdman and Yingying Zeng
IX.31 Environmental considerations in regulating nuclear energy 363
Anthony Wetherall
Renewable resources
IX.32 Renewable energy sources and the impact on security of supply and dispatching 377
Fokke Elskamp
IX.33 Regulating the promotion of renewable electricity consumption and production: a European Union case study 388
Olivia Woolley
IX.34 Regulating the promotion of non-conventional renewable energy sources in Latin America 399
Milton Fernando Montoya Pardo and María Alejandra Garzón Albornoz
IX.35 Regulation of hydropower in the European Union 413
Henrik Bjørnebye
IX.36 Regulation of hydropower in South America 424
Milton Fernando Montoya Pardo and Daniela Aguilar Abaunza
Wind energy
IX.37 Regulation of wind energy in the European Union 439
Romain Mauger
IX.38 Regulation of wind power in China 450
Wang Mingyuan and Gao Lailong
Solar energy
IX.39 Regulating solar energy in the European Union 463
Michel Chatelin and Louis-Narito Harada
IX.40 Regulating solar energy in Mexico 474
Jos. Juan González Márquez
IX.41 Wood-based biomass and electricity in the United States: a case study in scientific and policy uncertainty 487
Blake Hudson
IX.42 Promoting sustainable energy in Brazil: the role of biomass 498
Rômulo Sampaio and Patrícia Sampaio
IX.43 Regulation of electricity from geothermal heat in Iceland 511
Hilmar Gunnlaugsson
IX.44 Regulation of geothermal resources for energy in New Zealand 522
Phoebe Parson
New developments
IX.45 Regulating offshore wind energy 535
Ceciel T Nieuwenhout
IX.46 Regulating wave, tidal and ocean thermal energy 546
Theodore Nsoe Adimazoya and Meinhard Doelle

IX.47 Energy networks, natural monopolies and tariff regulation 563
Machiel Mulder and Edwin Woerdman
IX.48 Maritime transport and the environment: energy transport by sea 573
Beatriz Martinez Romera and Catalin Gabriel Stanescu
IX.49 Greening the transport sector: promoting ‘zero emissions vehicles’ in the EU and US 584
Gijs Kreeft and Dirk Kuiken
Network-bound energy
IX.50 Regulating the use of energy networks in liberalised markets 599
Anne Kallies
IX.51 Regulating electricity network reliability 611
Dirk Kuiken
IX.52 Regulating high voltage power lines: electromagnetic fields and safety 621
Catherine Banet and Astrid Skjønborg Brunt
IX.53 Regulating pipeline safety 633
Mehdi Piri
New developments
IX.54 A legal framework for smart grids 645
Lea Diestelmeier
IX.55 The regulation of microgrids 656
Donna M Attanasio
IX.56 Developing an offshore electricity grid: European and US approaches 668
Ceciel T Nieuwenhout and Hannah K Müller
IX.57 Developing a regulatory framework for electricity storage 679
Gijs Kreeft and Romain Mauger

Energy supply and consumption
IX.58 Energy poverty and household access to energy services in international, regional and national law 695
Marlies Hesselman
IX.59 Protecting energy consumers from the bankruptcies of energy supply companies 707
René van ’t Hoft
IX.60 Protecting energy consumers via tariff regulation 717
James M Van Nostrand
New developments
IX.61 Regulating residential prosumers 729
Lea Diestelmeier

IX.62 Regulating energy efficiency in the European Union 741
Martha M Roggenkamp
IX.63 Energy efficiency at energy production level: promoting combined heat and power 753
Maciej M Sokołowski
IX.64 The role of demand-response mechanisms in promoting energy efficiency 764
LeRoy Paddock
IX.65 Energy efficiency at the consumer level in the United States 776
LeRoy Paddock and Deepti Bansal


Series: Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law

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Water Law ISBN 9781783476992
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Policy Instruments in Environmental Law ISBN 9781785365676
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Human Rights and the Environment: Legality, Indivisibility, Dignity and Geography ISBN 9781788111454
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Principles of Environmental Law ISBN 9781785365652
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Multilateral Environmental Treaties ISBN 9781783477203
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Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law ISBN 9781783477678
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Biodiversity and Nature Protection Law ISBN 9781783474240
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Decision Making in Environmental Law ISBN 9781783478392
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Climate Change Law ISBN 9781783477609
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