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Workers, Collectivism and the Law: Grappling with Democracy

ISBN13: 9781788112444
Published: September 2018
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £115.00

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Workers, Collectivism and the Law: Grappling with Democracy provides a historical account of worker democracy beginning with the European guild systems up to the present day in four national legal systems, the UK, US, Sweden and Germany. The modern labour law constellations in these national legal systems are then compared against an Habermasian concept of participatory democracy in order to identify ways by which to strengthen individual employee voice with respect to claims against employers.

Employment Law
Introduction: Grappling with democracy

Part I Workers, collectivism and the law historically
1. Guilds - Brother[sister]hood, friendship and mutual aid
2. The golden age of the English guilds
3. The rise of labor in England
4. Labor in Germany - Rapid transformations
5. Labor in Sweden - Seamless transitions
6. Labor in the US - The Court is King
7. International influences and congruences

Part II The modern national labor law models
8. Employee voice in the United Kingdom
9. Employee voice in Germany - Dual channels
10. Employee voice in Sweden
11. Employee voice in the United States
12. Voice, democracy and collectivism in the different systems