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Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties

Edited by: Christian J Tams, Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Andreas Zimmerman

ISBN13: 9781785369513
Published: March 2016
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2014)
Price: £56.45
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780857934772

Despatched in 5 to 7 days.

The Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties provides an authoritative treatment of fundamental issues in international treaty law.

Identifying key challenges facing the modern law of treaties, the Handbook addresses the current regime and comments on potential directions of the law.Rather than an article-by-article commentary on provisions applicable to treaties, the Handbook offers an innovative study of their spatial, personal and temporal dimensions and of the tensions that arise due to the need for both flexibility and certainty in treaty relations.

It analyses the interaction between treaty regimes and potential ruptures, as well as the expansion of treaty law to international organisations, corporations and individuals. Each chapter includes an 'agenda for research', highlighting areas where future work could yield significant results.

This pioneering Handbook will prove an invaluable resource for researchers and advanced students, as well as providing unique insights for practitioners of international law.

Public International Law
Introduction Christian J Tams, Antonios Tzanakopoulos and Andreas Zimmermann
1. The Law of Treaties, or, Should this Book Exist? Vaughan Lowe
2. The Law of Treaties through the Interplay of its Different SourcesEnzo Cannizzaro
3. Regulating Treaties: A Comparative Perspective Martins Paparinskis
4. Theorizing Treaties: The Consequences of the Contractual AnalogyAkbar Rasulov
5. The Effects of Treaties in Domestic LawAndre Nollkaemper
6. The Temporal Dimension: Non-retroactivity and Its DiscontentsMarkus Kotzur
7. The Spatial Dimension: Treaties and Territory Marko Milanovic
8. The Personal Dimension: Challenges to the pacta tertiis RuleAlexander Proelss
9. Formalism versus Flexibility in the Law of Treaties Jean d'Aspremont
10. Integrity versus Flexibility in the Application of TreatiesKatherine del Mar
11. Pacta sunt servanda versus Flexibility in the Suspension and Termination of TreatiesSotirios-Ioannis Lekkas and Antonios Tzanakopoulos
12. Uniformity versus Specialisation
(1): The Quest for a Uniform Law of Inter-State Treaties Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Panos Merkouris
13. Uniformity versus Specialisation
(2): A Uniform Regime of Treaty Interpretation? Michael Waibel
14. Regime-collisions: Tensions Between Treaties (and How to Solve Them) Jasper Finke
15. Responding to Deliberately-created Treaty ConflictsSurabhi Ranganathan
16. Treaty Breaches and ResponsesChristian J Tams
17. Succession to Treaties and the Inherent Limits of International Law Andreas Zimmermann and James G. Devaney
18. Treaties and Armed ConflictYael Ronen
19. Treaties and International Organisations: Uneasy Analogies Philippa Webb
20. Treaty Law and Multinational Enterprises: More than Internationalized Contracts? Markos Karavias
21. Treaties and Individuals: Of Beneficiaries, Duty-bearers, Users, and Participants Ilias Plakokefalos