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Licensing Law Handbook: A Practical Guide to Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781784462482
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781907698170
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £80.00

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The Licensing Law Handbook is a clear and concise guide to the reformed system of licensing. It safely guides practitioners through all aspects of the new and revised procedures including how to apply for authorisation, the forms to use, operating schedules, how to object to an application, offences, closure powers and appeals. The new edition has been extensively updated and revised to include:

  • the new regime for pavement licences
  • changes to the late night levy
  • amendments introduced by the Immigration Act 2016
  • the latest section 182 Guidance
  • the Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme
  • off-sales review appeals
  • new case law, including The Porky Pint Ltd v. Stockton on Tees BC [2023] EWHC 128 (Admin)
  • closure of premises associated with nuisance or disorder
  • summary reviews in serious cases of crime or disorder
  • minimum pricing for alcohol in Wales
  • use of remote hearings for applications.

With its uniquely practical approach, the Licensing Law Handbook will remain every practitioner’s first point of reference for licensing law matters.

Licensing Law
1. Introduction
2. Licensing authorities
3. Licensable activities
4. Regulated entertainment
5. Late night refreshment
6. Personal licences
7. Premises licences
8. The operating schedule
9. Designated premises supervisor
10. Relevant representations
11. Conditions
12. Interim authorities
13. Provisional statements
14. Variation of a premises licence
15. Review of a premises licence
16. Transfer of a premises licence
17. Clubs
18. Variation of a club premises certificate
19. Review of a club premises certificate
20. Permitted temporary activities
21. Offences
22. Offences involving children
23. Early morning alcohol restriction orders
24. Closure of premises
25. Hearings
26. Appeals
27. Pavement licences
