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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The International Law of the Sea 3rd ed isbn 9781509958382

The International Law of the Sea 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781782256847
New Edition ISBN: 9781509958382
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781841132570
Published: February 2016
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

The law of the sea provides for the regulation, management and governance of the ocean spaces that cover over two-thirds of the Earth's surface. This book provides a fresh explanation of the foundational principles of the law of the sea, a critical overview of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and an analysis of subsequent developments including the many bilateral, regional and global agreements that supplement the Convention.

The second edition of this accalimed textbook takes as its focus the rules and institutions established by the Convention on the Law of the Sea and places the achievements of the Convention in both historical and contemporary context. All of the main areas of the law of the sea are addressed including the foundations and sources of the law, the nature and extent of the maritime zones, the delimitation of overlapping maritime boundaries, the place of archipelagic and other special states in the law of the sea, navigational rights and freedoms, military activities at sea, and marine resource and conservation issues including fisheries, marine environmental protection and dispute settlement.

As the Convention is now over a quarter of a century old the book takes stock of contemporary oceans issues that are not adequately addressed by the convention. Overarching challenges facing the law of the sea are considered, including how new maritime security initiatives can be reconciled with traditional navigational rights and freedoms, how declines in the health of marine ecosystems can be halted through strengthened legal regimes and how the law of the sea can regulate ocean space in the Polar regions as global warming opens up new possibilities for resource exploitation.

Public International Law
1. The History and Sources of the International Law of the Sea
2. Coastal Waters
3. Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone
4. The Exclusive Economic Zone
5. The Continental Shelf
6. The Deep Seabed
7. High Seas
8. Archipelagic States
9. Landlocked and Geographically Disadvantaged States
10. Navigational Rights and Freedoms
11. International Straits and Archipelagic Navigation
12. Military Uses of the Oceans
13. Marine Resource Management
14. Marine Scientifi c Research
15. Marine Environmental Protection
16. Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries
17. Maritime Regulation and Enforcement
18. Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea
19. Oceans Governance