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What Are Animal Rights For?

ISBN13: 9781529228410
Published: October 2023
Publisher: Bristol University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £8.99

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How should we treat animals? The long-held belief that other animals exist solely for human use has undergone radical challenge in the past half century. How much further do we need to go to minimize, and even eliminate, animal suffering?

The field of animal rights raises big questions about how humans treat the other animals with which we share the planet. These questions are becoming more pressing as livestock farming exerts an ever-greater toll on the planet and the animals themselves, and we learn more about their capacity to think and experience pain. This book shows why animals ought to have greater rights and what the world might look like if they did.

Animal Law
1. Where We Are and How We Got Here
2. Ethical Role
3. Practical Role
4. Imaginative Role
5. Beyond Rights