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1KBW on Financial Provision for Children

ISBN13: 9781526530837
To be Published: May 2025
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £80.00

This text deals with different aspects of financial provision for children in England and Wales, covering both applications to the Court and the Child Support Agency regime, the latter being a topic which many practitioners have only a passing familiarity.

Financial provision for children is a discrete aspect of financial remedies law more generally, and is subject to several statutory regimes. The interplay between the role of the courts and the CSA causes complications in practice that need to be addressed with particular care. The authors guide the reader through relevant practice and procedure including those applications for provision for children which overlap with cohabitation disputes relating to the ownership of property.

Following the style of the other texts in the 1KBW series, the narrative is supported by extensive diagrams and flow charts with case summaries to provide practical assistance with ease of reference.

Family Law, Children
1. Introduction
2. Overview of Statutory Regimes
3. Maintenance for Children via the Child Maintenance Service
4. Jurisdiction
5. Bringing a Claim
6. Related Claims Against Property
7. Procedure
8. Interim Provision
9. Applications for a Costs Allowance for Legal Services
10. Claims for Capital: Housing
11. Capital Provision: non-Housing
12. Child Maintenance in non-CSA Cases
13. Claims Arising from Education, Disability, Health and Special Circumstances
14. Variation
15. Enforcement and Injunctive Relief
16. Costs