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European Court of Human Rights and Mental Health

ISBN13: 9781526524195
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £180.00

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This book examines the ways in which the European Convention on Human Rights applies to people who suffer mental ill-health or are alleged to be affected by such a condition. It provides a practical and critical analysis of obligations arising from the rights to life, freedom from inhuman or degrading treatment, liberty and security of the person, family and private life, and other ECHR rights. It offers an article-by-article summary of the most important case law, as well as a thematic summary, which draws together issues relevant to practitioners in different fields.

There have been several important European Court of Human Rights judgments concerning rights of people with mental health issues in the last few years, which warrant an up-to-date survey of the law in this area. The importance of these rights is especially pertinent in the context of COVID-19, and the increase in reported mental health issues, amid the current public health emergency.

The work considers the impact of human rights and mental health in the context of criminal law, family law and Court of Protection issues.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Mental Health Law
  • Introduction
  • Thematic summary, drawing together case law and issues relevant to practitioners in different areas of law (for example, in the fields of CoP, criminal and family law)
  • Right to life
  • Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
  • Liberty and Security
  • Fair Trial Provisions
  • Family and Private Life
  • Other ECHR Rights