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Private International Law and Competition Litigation in a Global Context

ISBN13: 9781509970346
To be Published: March 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2023)
Price: £49.99
Paperback edition not yet published, ISBN13 9781509970346
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509918669

This important book systematically analyses the private international law issues regarding private antitrust damages claims which arise out of transnational competition law infringements. It identifies those problems that need to be considered by injured parties, defendants, judges and policy-makers when dealing with cross-border private antitrust damages claims in a global context. It considers the post Brexit landscape and the implications in cross border private proceedings before the English courts and suggests how the legal landscape should be developed. It also sets out how private international law techniques could play an increasingly important role in the private antitrust enforcement of competition law.

Comprehensive and rigorous, this is required reading for scholars of both competition litigation and private international law.