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Solving International Norm Conflicts: Between Rules and Principles

ISBN13: 9781509961597
To be Published: December 2027
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £85.00
Paperback edition not yet published, ISBN13 9781509961634

This book provides a theoretical framework which clarifies how different types of international norm conflicts can be solved efficiently. By drawing on Robert Alexy's distinction between rules and principles, it develops a novel approach which helps better identify and conceptualise norm conflicts and their resolution.

The book develops a unique method by which to identify norms of international law as rules and principles respectively. Using examples taken from different international legal regimes, such as international environmental law and international human rights law, it argues that it is indeed possible to distinguish between the two types of norms within the body of international law.

It goes on to use this distinction to consider which tools are available at the international level to resolve conflicts involving either type of norm, highlighting their gaps and inefficiencies.

Finally, it provides a new framework to be used for looking at international conflicts and provides several case studies which show that drawing the distinction between rules and principles can be a means by which scholars, judicial bodies and states may analyse ambiguous judicial decisions or international legal provisions, and thus foster greater clarity in the field of international law.


Part One: Norms and Norm Conflicts
1. Norm Conflicts in International Law
2. The Definition of Norm Conflicts
3. Methods of Conflict Avoidance in International Law

Part Two: Rules and Principles in International Law: Applying Alexy's Theory
4. Discussion of Alexy's Theory
5. Collisions versus Conflicts
6. Identification of Rules at the International Level
7. Identifying Principles at the International Level

Part Three: Rule Conflicts
8. Resolving Rule Conflicts through Traditional Maxims and Conflict Cases
9. Hierarchy and Law: Finding Hierarchy within the International Legal System
10. Lex Superior: International Hierarchy of Norms and Rule Conflicts

Part Four: Principle Collisions
11. Resolving Principle Collisions: The Balancing Process
12. Scholarly Debates on Balancing and Proportionality
13. Addressing the Cncern that Balancing Does 'Too Little': Absolute Rights and the Core Theory

Part Five: Illustrative Examples
14. Framework for the Case Studies
15. The Human Rights Example: Labita v Italy
16. Applying the Framework to General Public International Law



Series: Hart Studies in Constitutional Theory

Constitutional Courts and Judicial Review: Between Law and Politics ISBN 9781509976850
Published January 2025
Hart Publishing
Constitutional Courts and Judicial Review: Between Law and Politics (eBook) ISBN 9781509976867
Published January 2025
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Out of print
The Methodology of Constitutional Theory ISBN 9781509957699
Published June 2023
Hart Publishing
The Methodology of Constitutional Theory (eBook) ISBN 9781509933853
Published February 2022
Hart Publishing
Out of print
The Methodology of Constitutional Theory ISBN 9781509933846
Published February 2022
Hart Publishing