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Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation – Comparative Perspectives, Volume 2: Connections and Analysis

Edited by: Matthias Klatt

ISBN13: 9781509953806
To be Published: August 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £140.00

This is the second part of a 2-volume set which presents an in-depth investigation into the canon of constitutionally conforming interpretation.

This second volume builds upon the insights of volume 1, which includes national reports on the use of constitutional interpretation. In volume 2, the analysis is extended beyond the national context, discussing its use in the supranational and international context, such as in EU law or in the practice of the ECtHR and the IACtHR. It looks at constitutional amendments, global constitutionalism, the impact of unwritten constitutional provisions. The volume is rounded off by a comparative analyse, which formulates universally applicable insights.

Together with volume 1, this book fills an important gap in legal scholarship and sets the stage for cross-national discourse.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
1. ECtHR
Colm O’Cinneide (University College London, UK)
2. European Union
Antonia Baraggia (University of Milan, Italy)
Jorge Contesse (Rutgers University, USA)
4. Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation and Global Constitutionalism
Cormac Mac Amhlaigh (University of Edinburgh, UK)
5. Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation and the Internationalisation of Constitutional Law
Oran Doyle (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
6. Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation and the Constitutionalisation of International Law
Jure Vidmar (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
7. Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation and the Global Community of Courts
Maartje de Visser (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
8. Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation and the Hidden Constitution
Eion Carolan (University College Dublin, Ireland)
9. Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation and the Unwritten Constitution
Stéphane Beaulac (Université de Montréal, Canada)
10. Legal Positivism and Constitution-ally Conforming Interpretation
Alfonso García Figueroa (University of Casilla-La Mancha, Spain)
11. Critical Perspective
Virgílio Afonso da Silva (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
12. Uncertain Times
Michal Ziolkowski (European University Institute, Italy)
13. Constitutional Amendments
Silvia Suteu (University College London, UK)
14. Comparative Perspectives 1
Michel Rosenfeld (Cardozo University, USA)
15. Comparative Perspectives 2
Matthias Klatt (University of Graz, Austria)

Series: Hart Studies in Constitutional Theory

Solving International Norm Conflicts: Between Rules and Principles ISBN 9781509961597
To be published December 2027
Hart Publishing
Constitutional Courts and Judicial Review: Between Law and Politics ISBN 9781509976850
Published January 2025
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Constitutional Courts and Judicial Review: Between Law and Politics (eBook) ISBN 9781509976867
Published January 2025
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Out of print
Out of print
The Methodology of Constitutional Theory ISBN 9781509957699
Published June 2023
Hart Publishing
The Methodology of Constitutional Theory (eBook) ISBN 9781509933853
Published February 2022
Hart Publishing
Out of print
The Methodology of Constitutional Theory ISBN 9781509933846
Published February 2022
Hart Publishing