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Asian Comparative Constitutional Law, Volume 2: Constitutional Amendments

Edited by: Ngoc Son Bui, Mara Malagodi

ISBN13: 9781509949731
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £140.00

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This is the second in a 4-volume set that provides the definitive account of the major issues of comparative constitutional law in Asian jurisdictions.

Volume 2 looks at constitutional amendments and offers answers to questions about the formal rules for amending the constitution such as:

  • Who initiates an amendment proposal?
  • How is the amendment proposal adopted?
  • How are the amendments codified?

and the neo-institutional questions regarding amendment practices such as;

  • Why is the constitution amended?
  • Who engages in the amendment process?
  • How does the amendment affect the political system and the society?

Volume 2 covers 17 Asian jurisdictions including: Bangladesh, Cambodia, mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand.

Constitutional and Administrative Law, Other Jurisdictions , Asia
1. Introduction, Ngoc Son Bui (University of Oxford, UK)

Part I: East Asia
2. Constitutional Amendment in Japan? 'Unfeasible' Amendments versus 'Unnoticed' Amendments, Akiko Ejima (Meiji University, Japan)
3. From Political Pact to People's Document: Constitutional Amendments in South Korea, Jeong-In Yun (Korea University)
4. Amendments of the Socialist Constitution of Kim Jong-un Regime in North Korea, Jeong Won Park (Kookmin University, South Korea)
5. Legal Regulations For Amendments To The Constitution of Mongolia and Practical Application, Gunbileg Boldbaatar (National University of Mongolia)
6. Constitutional Amendments in The People's Republic Of China, Ryan Martínez Mitchell (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
7. Law and Politics of the Constitutional Amendments in Taiwan, Chien-Chih Lin (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
8. Amending the Hong Kong Basic Law: Within and Outside the Rules, Pui-Yin Lo (University of Hong Kong)

Part II: Southeast Asia
9. The Dynamics of Constitutional Amendment in Malaysia, Andrew Harding (National University of Singapore)
10. The Quest For 'More Perfect Forms of Government' In Singapore: Role of Constitutional Amendments In Institutional Design And The Management Of Political Change, Eugene K B Tan (Singapore Management University)
11. Constitutional Amendment in Myanmar: Constitutional Change and the Trajectory of Political Transition, Jonathan Liljeblad (Australian National University)
12. Parrying Amendments: The Philippines' Multitiered System of Constitutional Change, Bryan Dennis G Tiojanco (University of Tokyo, Japan) and Paolo S. Tamase (University of the Philippines)
13. Between Sacred and a Hard Place: Amendment Rules in Indonesia's 1945 Constitution, Abdurrachman Satrio (Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia)
14. Thailand's 2017 Constitution: Constitutional Amendment in the Binary-Star Scenario, Rawin Leelapatana (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
15. From Post-Conflict Coalitions to Regime Consolidation: Constitutional Amendments in Cambodia, Benjamin Lawrence (National University of Singapore)

Part III: South Asia
16. The Struggle of Constitutional Amendments in India, Sarbani Sen (Jindal Global Law School, India)
17. Amendment Rules, Politics and Debates in Bangladesh, Jashim Ali Chowdhury (University of Hull, UK)
18. The Law and Politics of Constitutional Amendment in Sri Lanka, Mario Gomez (International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Sri Lanka)

Part IV: Theory and Comparison
19. Constitutional Amendments in Asia: A Contextual Approach to Comparison, Mara Malagodi (University of Warwick, UK)
20. Comparative Constitutional Amendment in Asia, Ngoc Son Bui (University of Oxford, UK)