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Chinese and Global Financial Integration through Stock Connect: A Legal Analysis

ISBN13: 9781509949328
To be Published: April 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2023)
Price: £42.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509949281

This significant and timely book explores a novel market mechanism, Stock Connect, which gives mutual market access to Chinese and international investors, and provides original analyses and fresh insights. This mechanism could become the new normal in future global financial integration.

By examining this cross-border scheme from a regulatory perspective via a three-tiered analytical framework (investors, issuers and regulators), this book unearths the profound implications of Stock Connect to local and global financial markets and the legal impediments to its implementation. It covers a broad range of topics in this cross-boundary investment channel, including an overview of three existing connectivity arrangements (Shanghai-Hong Kong, Shenzhen-Hong Kong and Shanghai-London), the uniqueness of these connectivity arrangements, investor protection, regulations of connect issuers, regulatory cooperation and enforcement, the impacts on local and global financial markets, as well as the challenges and future of Stock Connect.

This pioneering study will appeal to a broad readership who are interested in the on-going reshaping of international financial systems and China's emerging influence in the international financial order.

Other Jurisdictions , Banking and Finance, China
1. Introduction
2. Chinese Capital Market Development and Stock Connect
3. Investor Protection under Stock Connect
4. Regulating Connect Issuers
5. Regulatory Cooperation and Enforcement
6. Impacts and Limitations of Stock Connect on Local and Global Financial Markets
7. Capital Market Connectivity in the World
8. Conclusion