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The Rise and Fall of the European Constitution

Edited by: N.W. Barber, Maria Cahill, Richard Ekins

ISBN13: 9781509910984
Published: January 2019
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £80.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509945238

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The rejection of the Constitutional Treaty brought forward the momentum of ever more European integration to an abrupt halt.

This collection brings together some of the leading EU constitutional scholars to comment, with the benefit of hindsight, on the significance of that rejection and how it impacted on post 2003 developments. It examines why the member states chose to reject the movement towards a federal state.

It also asks why the Treaty which had support from European lawyers, failed to enthuse European citizens. This probing and rigorous account will provide answers to these often asked questions.

EU Law
1. Introduction
2. From the Years of the Convention to the Years of Brexit. Where Do We Go from Here?
Giuliano Amato
3. Constitutionalisation without Constitution: A Democracy Problem
Dieter Grimm
4. The EU’s Constitutional Moment: A View from the Ground Up
Kalypso Nicolaidis
5. Treaty Amendment, the Draft Constitution and European Integration
Paul Craig
6. The European Constitution and Europe’s Dialectical Federalism
Erin F Delaney
7. The Two Europes
NW Barber
8. The Competence Catalogue in the Treaty Establishing a Constitution and the Treaty of Lisbon: Improvement, but at a Cost
Stephen Weatherill
9. The Charter of Fundamental Rights and the EU’s Shallow Constitutionalism
Dorota Leczykiewicz
10. The EU Constitution, Sovereignty and the Problem of Primacy
Gunnar Beck
11. Europe’s Constitutional Overture
Neil Walker
12. The European Constitution and ‘the Compulsion to Grand Politics’
Richard Mullender
13. Recollections from and Reflections on the Making and Failure of the European Constitution
Gisela Stuart