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The European Union and Deprivation of Liberty: A Legislative and Judicial Analysis from the Perspective of the Individual

ISBN13: 9781509908080
Published: May 2019
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509945764

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The books explore the European Union's judicial and legislative approach to deprivation of liberty. It examines the Union's institutional framework to assess the impact of the collapse of the pillars-based structure and of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The books provide a critical analysis of the EU approach to the question of fundamental rights which, the author argues, constitutes the core of the relationship between public powers and personal liberty. These rights include: the principle of proportionality; the principle of legality and proportionality of penalties; right to liberty; the rehabilitative function of custodial penalties. In so doing it concludes that the EU is biased towards individual member states' approach to detention.

Criminal Law, EU Law
I. The European Union and Deprivation of Liberty. The Importance of the Origins
II. A Holistic Approach
III. Plot and Main Characters

1. Free Movement and Deprivation of Liberty. Paradigm, Genesis, Laboratory
I. Free Movement and the Origins of Deprivation of Liberty in EU Law
II. EU Law and Deprivation of Liberty. The Internal Market as a Laboratory
III. Beyond the Internal Market. Free Movement as Trigger and Objective of Deprivation of Liberty in EU Law
IV. Conclusions

2. Deprivation of Liberty and Substantive Criminal Law. Overview
I. Introduction
II. The Use of Imprisonment in EU Substantive Criminal Law. Reasons and Methods
III. The Case Studies: Rationales and Criteria of Analysis
IV. Deprivation of Liberty and Substantive EU Criminal Law. The Policy Context
V. Deprivation of Liberty and Substantive EU Criminal Law. The Legal Framework
VI. Conclusions
3. The PIF Directive
I. Introduction
II. The Directive
III. EU Law Proportionality
IV. Legal Certainty
V. Criminal Law Proportionality
VI. Conclusions
4. The Anti-Drug Trafficking Directive
I. Introduction
II. The Regulation
III. The Directive
IV. EU Law Proportionality
V. Legal Certainty
VI. Criminal Law Proportionality
VII. Conclusions
5. The Market Abuse Directive
I. Introduction
II. The Regulation
III. The Directive
IV. EU Law Proportionality
V. Legal Certainty
VI. Criminal Law Proportionality
VII. Conclusions
Concluding Remarks on EU Substantive Criminal Law and Deprivation of Liberty

6. EU Procedural Criminal and Mutual Recognition. Overview
I. Introduction
II. Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust in EU Law
III. The Right to Liberty in Europe
IV. Conclusions
7. The European Arrest Warrant and the Procedural Rights Directives
I. The European Arrest Warrant
II. The Procedural Rights Directives
III. Conclusions
8. Mutual Recognition of Custodial Penalties, Probation Measures and the European Supervision Order
I. Introduction
II. The FD on Transfer of Prisoners, Probation Measures and the ESO
III. The Right to Liberty and Coercive Movement of Persons within the EU
IV. Conclusions
Concluding Remarks on Deprivation of Liberty in Mutual Recognition and EU Criminal Procedure

9. Deprivation of Liberty in the Context of Immigration Control. Overview
I. Introduction
II. EU Law and Migration Issues
III. The Right to Liberty in EU Asylum and Immigration Law
10. Asylum Law
I. The EU Rules on Detention
II. Immigration Detention in the Common European Asylum System
III. Deprivation of Liberty in EU Asylum Law and the Presumption of Mutual Trust
IV. Grounds and Limits of Detention of Asylum-Seekers
V. The Right to Liberty in EU Asylum Law. Adequate Level of Protection?
VI. Conclusions on Deprivation of Liberty in EU Asylum Law
11. Irregular Migration
I. Introduction
II. Secondary Law
III. The Right to Liberty of Irregular Migrants and the CJEU’s Interpretation
IV. The Right to Liberty in EU Law and Immigration Detention
V. Conclusions on Immigration Detention in EU Law
Concluding Remarks on Asylum and Immigration Detention in EU Law

12. Integration and Reintegration in the EU Civic Status of Detainees
I. Introduction
II. Integration and EU Citizenship
III. Deprivation of Liberty and Reintegration in EU Law
IV. Conclusions on Deprivation of Liberty and EU Citizenship

Series: Hart Studies in European Criminal Law

Criminal Law and Labour Exploitation ISBN 9781509937714
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The European Arrest Warrant at Twenty: Coming of Age> ISBN 9781509961146
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EU Fair Trial Rights in Criminal Proceedings ISBN 9781509938643
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Corporations and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination
Stijn LamberigtsEubelius Belgium, Valsamis MitsilegasUniversity of Liverpool UK, Katalin LigetiUniversity of Luxembourg, Anne WeyemberghUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
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Corporations and the Privilege against Self-Incrimination (eBook) ISBN 9781509953325
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Corporations and the Privilege against Self-Incrimination ISBN 9781509953318
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The Fight Against Impunity in EU Law ISBN 9781509945610
Published June 2022
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The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law ISBN 9781509944392
Published January 2022
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Criminal Liability of Managers in Europe: Punishing Excessive Risk ISBN 9781509944958
Published February 2021
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The Principle of Mutual Trust in EU Criminal Law (eBook) ISBN 9781509924554
Published February 2021
Hart Publishing
Out of print
The Principle of Mutual Trust in EU Criminal Law ISBN 9781509924547
Published February 2021
Hart Publishing
The Fight Against Impunity in EU Law ISBN 9781509926879
Published November 2020
Hart Publishing
The Fight Against Impunity in EU Law (eBook) ISBN 9781509926886
Published November 2020
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Out of print
The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law ISBN 9781509919741
Published July 2020
Hart Publishing
The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law (eBook) ISBN 9781509919758
Published July 2020
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The Needed Balances in EU Criminal Law: Past, Present and Future ISBN 9781509937493
Published April 2020
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Limits to EU Powers: A Case Study of EU Regulatory Criminal Law ISBN 9781509934744
Published November 2019
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Criminal Liability of Managers in Europe: Punishing Excessive Risk (eBook) ISBN 9781509914982
Published December 2018
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Criminal Liability of Managers in Europe: Punishing Excessive Risk ISBN 9781509914975
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White Collar Crime: A Comparative Perspective ISBN 9781509917891
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White Collar Crime: A Comparative Perspective (eBook) ISBN 9781509917907
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The Needed Balances in EU Criminal Law ISBN 9781509917006
Published December 2017
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Redefining Organized Crime: A Challenge for the European Union? ISBN 9781509904709
Published December 2017
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The Needed Balances in EU Criminal Law (eBook) ISBN 9781509917020
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Limits to EU Powers: A Case Study of EU Regulatory Criminal Law (eBook) ISBN 9781509903375
Published July 2017
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Limits to EU Powers: A Case Study of EU Regulatory Criminal Law ISBN 9781509903351
Published July 2017
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Out of print
Challenges in the Field of Economic and Financial Crime in Europe and the US ISBN 9781509908035
Published February 2017
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