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Education, Law and Diversity: Schooling for One and All? 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781509906703
Published: January 2020
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £100.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509953547

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This new edition provides updated analysis from a legal perspective, on how the education system responds to social diversity and how the relevant socio-economic rights of individuals and groups are affected. It spans wide-ranging areas of educational provision: types of school (including faith schools), the school curriculum, choice of school, and duties towards children with special needs and disabilities. It retains, and updates, areas of debate in the book, such as those concerned with multiculturalism and children’s rights. It continues to focus on England but also makes reference to other jurisdictions within the UK and internationally. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the legal challenges facing education in England today.

Education Law
1. Children's Education and the Law in a Diverse Society
I. Introduction
II. Rights
III. Integration, Identity and Multiculturalism
IV. Conclusion
2. Responsibility for Children's Education
I. Introduction
II. Th e State's Role in Supporting Access to Education
III. Conclusion
3. Institutional Diversity in a Developing Schools System
I. Introduction
II. State Education: Separate National Systems within the UK
III. Schools and Education: Th e Role of the State 1870–1980
IV. Towards a More Diverse Schools System: 1980–1997 7
V. Diversity and Control of Schools Under 'New Labour' 1997–2010
VI. A New 'Moral Order'? Education Reform Since 2010
VII. Conclusion
4. Equal Access for Children to Education Settings
I. Introduction
II. Equality and the Right to Education
III. Th e Equality Act 2010 and Children's Education
IV. Conclusion
5. School Admission Policies and Decisions
I. Introduction
II. 'Pupils are to be Educated in Accordance with the Wishes of their Parents'
III. Fair Admissions?
IV. Th e Implications of School Preference
V. Conclusion
6. Secular Education in the State Sector: A Curriculum for All?
I. Introduction
II. Centralisation and a National Curriculum
III. 'Fundamental British Values' and Countering Extremism
IV. Sex and Relationships Education and Health Education
V. Conclusion
7. Religion in the School Curriculum
I. Introduction
II. Religious Education
III. Collective Worship
IV. Creationism and 'Intelligent Design'
V. Conclusion
8. Education Outside the State Sector
I. Introduction
II. Regulation and Control of the Curriculum in Independent Schools
III. Home Education and Unregistered Schooling
IV. Conclusion
9. Special Educational Needs: Voice, Place and Choice
I. Introduction
II. SEND and Children and Young People in England
III. Voice
IV. Place
V. Choice
VI. Conclusion
10. Conclusion: Schooling for One and All?